
Unofficial translation

Extract from the law of 25 April 1983 amending the law of 19 March 1910 conferring legal personality on the Ligue luxembourgeoise de Prévention et d'Action médico-sociales.

(1) The association known as the ‘Ligue luxembourgeoise de Prévention et d'Action médico-sociales’ (formerly the ‘Ligue luxembourgeoise contre la tuberculose’) is recognised as being in the public interest and as such has legal personality.

(2) Its purpose is to contribute to the promotion of preventive and social medicine and social action in all its forms. It takes all initiatives likely to achieve its object.

(3) Its means of action consist in particular of:

1. setting up, operating and managing medical-social centres and organising multi-purpose social services
2. to take appropriate measures in the interests of the prevention, screening and monitoring of chronic disabling diseases and more particularly respiratory diseases and tuberculosis in all its forms;
3. to participate in preventive medicine, health education and information and social action programmes run by the State, local authorities or private bodies.