Support us

The Ligue luxembourgeoise de Prévention et d'Action médico-sociales was recognised as a public utility by the amended law of 19 March 1910 and as a body that can receive cash donations, deductible as special expenses within the limits set by the law on income tax.

Those who wish to support the League in its action, sometimes described as a little too discreet, are welcome.

On the occasion of a death, birth, marriage or other family celebration, you can ask your family and friends to send us a donation.

Donations are used to help the people of our country in urgent distress situations and to develop the Ligue's activities in Education and Health Promotion.

Contact us or send your donations to the following address:
Ligue médico-sociale
21-23, rue Henri VII
L-1725 Luxembourg
Tel. 22 00 99-1
Fax 47 50 97
IBAN: LU51 1111 0008 3660 0000

For more information regarding donations, please contact us.