
Admission procedure

The request for support must be made on the basis of the ad hoc form and through the intermediary of an approved service or professionals in the medical-psycho-social field. The Social Support Service responds in writing within one month to the requesting service and to the person(s) making the request.


The working methods of the service refer to systems theory and more particularly to its application to social work at the level of analysis, advice and assistance (case management). For each case, the staff of the service draw up a support plan which is signed by the client(s) as part of an agreement stating the objectives to be achieved and the time of the joint evaluation of the results. The Social Support Service will actively seek collaboration with any service or professional who can be a resource for applicants.

Financial management

In order to professionalize budgetary guidance for clients, the Social Support Service has been supported since 2003 by the Service for Minors and Protected Adults, which handles the accounting and financial aspects of the files (voluntary management, over-indebtedness, guardianship, trusteeship, protection of justice, etc.).